Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Green families

A number of news sources are discussing a recent study finding divorced families are worse for the environment. The idea is there is an economy in energy use (electricity, gas, etc.) and other resources when people are unite din one family as opposed to split in two.

Now, I agree with the interviewee at the end of the linked article who opines no one is going to stay in an unhappy marriage for the sake of the environment. I just wanted to use this as an excuse to note myself, Framer and ThinkRight, among many, are doing our best to support the environment.

X4mr, on the other hand, is clearly blowing it for all of us.


Touchdown said...

if it's yellow, let it mellow;
if it's brown, flush it down.

x4mr said...

Ha! Ha! Sirocco.

I actually have a very green footprint these days, bicycling to school. The grocery store and cigar shop are very close, and the brick house with double thick plaster walls is remarkably efficient compared to that spit and kleenex thing I had in the foothills.

Of course, there's those cigars, but I don't think tobacco is a fossil fuel.